Asean Working Group on Environmental Education (AWGEE)
AWGEE is a working group under the auspices of ASEAN Senior Officials On The Environment (ASOEN).
Coordinate cooperation between ASEAN countries (AMS) and ASEAN partners to coordinate Environmental education approaches in ASEAN countries and ASEAN dialogue partners.
Summary of Provisions
There are 4 items (target areas) under the ASEAN Environmental Education Action Plan:
(i) Target Area 1: Sustainable development education (ESD) is absorbed at all levels in the formal education sector in each AMS;
(ii) Target Area 2: The non-formal sector in AMS is enhanced by integrating socio-cultural, economic and ecological knowledge through Environmental/ ESD education at the local, regional and international levels;
(iii) Target Area 3: Strengthening human capital resource development through Environmental education and sustainable development (ESD) in the ASEAN region;
(iv) Target Area 4: Forging smart collaboration, information/resource sharing, and skills for Environmental education and sustainable development in the ASEAN region.
The Chairman of AWGEE is by rotation between AMS. Brunei Darulsalam was the chairman of AWGEE for the session. This cooperation group is a platform to coordinate Environmental Education activities and public involvement towards sustainable development in the ASEAN region.
The Director General, Department of Environment (DOE) is the National Focal Point (NFP) for this Working Group. This 13th AWGEE Meeting is the annual meeting under the AWGEE working group for 2021.
The Malaysian delegation to the 13th AWGEE meeting held on 1 September 2021 was led by YBrs Puan Norlin binti Jaafar (Director General of Environment) as the NFP. The Malaysian delegation also discussed Malaysia’s proposals for the “ASEAN Workshop On Reviewing And Improving The Existing ASEAN Guidelines Of Eco-Schools” and “Enhancement of ASEAN Eco-School Programs Through Partnership With Environmentally Sustainable Cities (ESC).